Hog Roast Forth – Sourcing the Best Meats For Your Events

One of the things that has kept Hog Roast Forth at the top of the catering game for so many years is our insistence on only top-quality meats and ingredients. Catering can so often be looked at as purely a numbers game, meaning you might find that your caterer looks to buy cheaply in bulk and just freeze away until needed. That’s okay in general, but for us it isn’t worth the trade off on quality to the customer for the convenience on our end. Buying in bulk and freezing your foods means a lesser product for the guest; dining is always better when your food is as fresh as possible, and you lose a lot of that when food is being frozen and defrosted, or even reheated.

Hog Roast ForthTo ensure that our foods remain of the quality that we want, Hog Roast Forth instead looks to local stocks and farms and source out the best meats when we need them for events. By the time they are in our hands, we want your event to be right around the corner so that you can get the best from your roast. We have a brilliant sourcing team that works round the clock with our many local partners to ensure we have a good supply of brilliant meats coming in, as and when we need them.

A roast is only ever as good as the meat it begins with, after all, and our Hog Roast Forth chefs have extremely high demands on the quality of meat that they will work with. These chefs are highly skilled, so they need the best of the best to really show off their expertise and experience. Where it not for the work of our wonderful sourcing team, the food you see at your event would not be nearly as good, even with all the skill in the world that our chefs possess.

The same can go for your own roasts at home. Away from events, we at Hog Roast Forth would still encourage you to shop local and shop fresh whenever you want to make a roast. Go to your local butcher; they will have much better stock in than your supermarket, and they will even be able to give you tips on how best to prepare it for a roast. Try it out – it’s worth not cutting corners when it comes to great dining!