Summer Baby Shower Fun With Hog Roast Bothwell

Is it just us, or does everything seem better when the sun’s out? Perhaps that’s because, here in the UK, warm weather is a luxury in itself! But everyone seems to be in a good mood all the time. Stressful life situations don’t seem as troubling, and somehow, even food has more flavour.

What causes this phenomenon? We’re not quite sure. What we do know, though, is that after a long and dreary winter (most of which was spent cooped up indoors), we’re just glad to be out and about again, enjoying the sunshine and making the most of the gorgeous summer weather – and it seems we’re not the only ones.

Almost as soon as the sunshine appeared, breaking up the gloomy, grey skies, our telephone here at Hog Roast Bothwell HQ started to ring…and ring…and ring. The requests have been flooding in ever since, and amidst them, we received a very special booking from Catriona, who had asked us to handle the food for her baby shower.

Hog Roast Bothwell catering manager John was on the case instantly, and after asking all the right questions, he determined that our Alfresco Menu would be ideally suited to the client’s needs. Catriona couldn’t agree more.

Hog Roast BothwellWith temperatures teetering above 23 degrees last Monday afternoon, John worked tirelessly under the shade of the catering gazebo as he prepared a lip-smacking feast for the intimate event. Whilst the pork slowly churned above a low flame, the juices dripping into the savoury stuffing below to create a more impactful flavour, John turned his attention to the charcuterie boards, brightly coloured salad bowls, gourmet coleslaw and buttered new potatoes, which he tossed in chives. Keeping things light and refreshing for dessert, he also whipped up a Hog Roast Bothwell special: summer fruit pudding and a tarte au citron.

For Catriona, the feast was everything she had been dreaming of and more. And on top of serving an array of delicious foods that the guests couldn’t get enough of either, everyone who attended felt safe and secure knowing that Hog Roast Bothwell had taken all precautions necessary to ensure a Covid-safe dining experience.