Sunday roast, Hog Roast Brampton’s style

Hog Roast Brampton would like to share with you their best tips to making a cracking Sunday Pork Roast for the whole family to enjoy. 

  1. The Pork Joint 

Do you want the best crackling ever and the most succulent pork? Just complete the following steps; first, make slits in the skin of the joint, small lines that do not go into each other and ensure that both sides are completed. Then, pour water over the joint to get the skin nice and damp. After this, massage table salt into the skin, the water will help it to stick. By making the slits in the skin and sprinkling water and salt over it produces perfect crackling. So that the meat just falls apart and melts in the mouth, the joint is best being slowly roasted on low heat for 6 hours. 

2. Roast potatoes 

Roasties need to be nice and fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside. To achieve this consistency, the potatoes first need to be part-boiled for 10 minutes once drained, transfer them into a roasting dish. Goose fat works particularly well to crisp up the skin, but Hog Roast Brampton tends to use the more simplistic garlic infused olive oil. Once the olive oil has been drizzled over the potatoes, a sprinkling of table salt is added and sprigs of sage are added into the tray for extra flavour that compliments the pork. Roast the potatoes for an hour. 

3. Yorkshire puddings

Now, Yorkshire puddings are not a traditional accompaniment to pork however, who doesn’t love Yorkshire puddings?! Hog Roast Brampton has them with any meat on a Sunday! The first thing to do is preheat the oven and then make the batter by sifting flour and salt into a bowl. Beat an egg. Once the egg is beaten, make a well in the flour and add the egg, milk and water. Whisk these together until smooth. To make it easier for you, pour the smooth mixture into a jug, cover the top and pop it in the fridge. Using either a cupcake or pudding tray, pour a teaspoon of oil in each compartment and put in the oven for 5 minutes to heat up. Collect the batter from the fridge and give it a stir. Carefully pour the mixture into each heated oil section. Pop the tray back in the oven for about 25 minutes, until the puddings have risen and turned golden. Hog Roast Brampton’s most important tip – DO NOT open the oven door until you are sure the puddings are done otherwise it will affect the bake and cause the puddings to sink. 

Hog Roast Brampton urges you to have a go and enjoy!